sabato 3 aprile 2010

BP4_2010041_Web 2.0 Tool

I was so excited to find Jay Cut (! I know there must be other Web 2.0 video editing tools but this one seems to be perfect! It’s very similar to iMovie and it’s compatible with both Mac and PC platforms. I hope to use it with my students. In my 7th and 8th grade history classes, my students have been creating skits once a week. They keep improving their acting skills! I enjoy watching them! I would love to create an after school program or club for students to learn to use various media and technology tools, one of which is video editing. I think it would be neat for the students to create a video yearbook throughout the school year and come together once or twice a week after school to edit and add effects and narration. This free web-based video-editing program is perfect!

2 commenti:

  1. Hi Elizabeth. I like your blog. Especially that you have chosen to display it in Spanish. It is a good way to teach those if us who haven't a clue about the Spanish language, to recognize different words.

    I have heard some of my video students speak of Jay Cut and now that you have reviewed it also, I think I'm going to check it out. It might be software that someone can start using to get a basic feel for editing. That would be nice without throwing them into Avid or Final Cut editing. Thanks. And nice job.

  2. Hey Elizabeth, I was excited to read about Jay Cut, this is exactly what I need for my students. I wanted to do some video work with my classes but I can't have all of them using my mac, but they do have a pc. Now my students can video tape, create and edit. Thanks for sharing!
