Figure 1

Figure 2

MediaFire is amazing! It has been in existence since 2006. There is a great YouTube video "tour" link on the site that explains its many useful features. One of the many distinguishing features of MediaFire is that you do not need an account to upload files (documents, photos, videos), however creating an account allows you the space to organize uploaded files into folders and share them. The program allows you to select multiple files at a time from your computer by simply boxing them. Also, you can select multiple files at a time to download from your MediaFire account. Although each individual file has a size limit of 200MB, there is no limit on the number of files you can upload, even with the basic account (free). The "bronze" account for $6.97 per month allows you to embed a dropbox into your website or blog. People can then upload files to your dropbox. The embedded dropbox might be worth the 23 cents per day. This is ideal for teachers who collect assignments electronically. Also, files or entire folders can be easily shared via Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, StumbleUpon, instant messenger, or e-mail. For each folder there is a unique URL that can be easily shared. MediaFire makes sharing even easier by allowing you to use your e-mail address books from Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo. Also, unlike Facebook, those with access to your shared photos can download the full-size photo. The only difference between the three "Pro" accounts of either "Bronze," "Silver," or "Gold" is the GB allowance for direct linking, which ranges from 100GB to 1000GB (Figure 2). The Pro accounts also have a feature that enable users to generate reports on the number of times a file has been downloaded and to which websites around the world.
I decided to add MediaFire to my "Box of Links" in my iGoogle PLE (Figure 1) so that I can access files at anytime from any computer in the world without having to remember the URL. I've decided to use this tool to store my best lesson plans, photos, videos, links, and other essential downloaded files that I currently have stored on my computer. It is a great way to back up files so I will definitely be using this incredible user-friendly online file storage tool for work, school, and play!
I was able to use MediaFire to e-mail (my friend in Poland) a link to 200 photos. She is gathering everyone photos from a festival that a group of us participated in last summer in Italy. I was trying to find a way to e-mail the photos to her. MediaFire is the perfect solution!
I have been using MediaFire off and on for a while now. I’ve used this and a few others that are similar too it including Pando and YouSendIt. They all have their ups and downs if you’re not a premium user. Now that we have a MobileMe account I’ve been taking advantage of it whenever I need to share large files. Like you I used MediaFire with friends to share folders of photos, power points and most files that were to large to attach to emails. You can also stretch that 200mb a little further if you compressed your files before uploading them. That’s a good idea to use it as a drop box to submit assignments; I’ve never looked at it from that perspective.